The Merry-go-round of Mercy

Look for Jesus in John. I really feel God telling me to tell you that. I think He wants you to experience His love for you in a special way through John. 

A dear friend spoke these words to me at a time when my marriage was at its lowest, a time when neither my husband nor I felt like a safe refuge for one another. We were hurting more than we had ever hurt before, and what was worse, we were the source of each other’s pain. 

Jesus in John? Really? The truth of my friend’s words might have been difficult to imagine the day they were spoken, but they were strikingly prophetic. Over time, as John and I learned to live out the truth of Jesus’ fifth beatitude, I did experience the love of Christ through my husband, over and over and over again. 

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 

Matthew 5:7 (NIV)

Standing by one another, even in the lowest of lows, requires tenacious courage. But the seamless loop of giving and receiving mercy is a healing circuit that is absolutely necessary for deliverance from the hurtful whirling of blame and bitterness. 

Jesus in John? What at first appeared only possible through sheer act of the imagination became possible with God. The merry-go-round of mercy truly made our marriage go ‘round as God made the blessing of this beatitude a reality. It’s been the wildest and best ride of our lives.

Today, on our 24th wedding anniversary, I marvel at the miracle of mercy and thank God for the gracious story He is writing in our lives.

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