Encounters with Jesus kicked off a new year of ministry last night with our first Women at the Well event. And if attendance is any indication, women are thirsty for the Living Water of Jesus! At start time, we were scrambling to set up extra tables, as they kept pouring through the door, well over one hundred of them.
And what a wonderful mix of ages we had. It was so special to see teen girls and great-grandmas and all ages in between gathered together under a canopy of twinkle lights to hear Jesus stories. We nicknamed the evening “Cocoa in the Cold” and had a deluxe hot chocolate bar for all to enjoy. With so many decadent toppings, it was basically January’s equivalent to July’s sundae bar. What a treat!
Launching into this new year at Encounters with Jesus, we have placed a new vision before us — a vision we’re calling “plus one.” Jesus showed us how excited Heaven gets when even one person comes home to their Heavenly Father. He told stories about a shepherd who cared about rescuing one lost sheep (when he had ninety-nine others), a woman who turned her house upside down to find one lost coin, an earthly father who ceaselessly searched the horizon for his one wandering son.
What causes rejoicing in the heart of God? One person coming to Him!
In a world that tries to tell us bigger is better, that it’s all about the numbers, that we must “go big or go home,” it’s easy to lose sight of God’s heart for the one.
God works in small corners, through mustard seeds, a pinch of yeast, and the whisper of a still, small voice. Yes, those seeds grow into trees. Yeast leavens huge batches of dough. Words, even whispered ones, have tremendous power. God does indeed have big plans. But His plans unfold one day at a time and (may we never forget) one heart at a time.
Last night we heard from two women who have experienced the power of “plus one” firsthand. For them, it all started with one prayer for just one woman to walk with, and those of us who heard their story were amazed by what God did.
We look forward to hearing more “plus one” stories at our other events this year. And if the more than one hundred women in attendance last night take up the challenge to invite just one other woman into their journey with Jesus, we will be bursting at the seams.
If you’re local and would like to take in our next evening of Women at the Well, mark your calendar for Saturday, April 20th. I’ll do my best to save you a seat!