I have followed Dr. Bauman on social media for awhile now and have appreciated his heart for the healing of sexual brokenness. When the opportunity arose to be part of the launch team for his new book Safe Church, I knew I wanted to be part of it. Though his ministry is primarily to men, his work also resonates with women. And in his new book, he is raising his voice loud and clear on their behalf. He paints a vision and points a way forward for faith communities that want to break free from the insidious effects of sexism and become safer places for both women and men.
This is not a book that simply bemoans the current state of affairs or bashes churches and church leaders for not getting it right. It is clear that Dr. Bauman wrote this book because he loves the Church and knows it can do better.
Even a cursory scan through history and across civilizations reveals the obvious adverse effects of sexism and the patriarchal structures and mindsets it creates. Sometimes it’s easier to spot in other contexts though than it is in our own. It may not be easy or comfortable, but it is time to take a deep dive under the hood of our own hearts and assumptions.
Over the past few decades, I have watched the chasm between complementarians and egalitarians widen. For many, it seems to have become the test of fellowship. I think we need to ask ourselves why. Why is this topic so threatening? This question becomes even more crucial in light of the fact that in some circles, complementarianism has been stiffening into an abusive form of patriarchy, due to the widespread influence of controversial pastors like Douglas Wilson.
No matter which side of the chasm we land on, as followers of Christ, I’m sure we can agree that Jesus breaks the power of sin in our lives, freeing us from its curse. We are called to live into a new creation, into a kingdom where we are made one in Christ (Galatians 3:28).
When we become concerned with structures of authority and hierarchy, we are reverting to the ways of the world. Jesus made it very clear that things were to be different among His followers. “Not so among you,” He said, after outlining how worldly systems and relationships operate (Mark 10:43).
If you think sexism isn’t an issue in your church, I urge you to read this book with an open heart. Read it curiously, not defensively, and see what the Spirit of God unearths.
As Dr. Bauman reminds us, in Christ, we have a chance to reflect the image of God with a fullness that has been stifled and lopsided for far too long. The Church has the opportunity to be a shining light to a dark and divided world. Sexism, whether in its hostile form or even its benevolent form, primes us for patriarchy. And patriarchy primes us for abuse. It’s time to set aside these damaging beliefs and behaviours and learn mutual love and respect in the Body of Christ.
Find Safe Church on Amazon here.
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