Erin shares her passion for Jesus on the page, the platform, the piano, a podcast — any way she can, because God has taken her from a mess to truly blessed as she has learned to follow Him one shaky step of faith at a time. Her messages will challenge and encourage you on your own journey toward greater freedom and deeper intimacy with Christ. And her experience with the Holy Land, coupled with her insights into the Hebrew language, make the lessons she shares theologically rich and deeply moving.

Some Favourite Topics:
- God’s Purpose in the Impossible (God has a purpose for that impossible thing in your life. Drawing from the Rich Young Ruler’s encounter with Jesus, Erin will share four characteristics to help us identify what Jesus is calling us to surrender, and they may surprise you. Encounter the God of possibilities in the corners of your life that seem anything but possible!)
- Cultivating a Life of Love — From the Inside Out (As Christians we know that we are called to love, but how do we get there? When all our striving lands us far short of our goal, Paul has an excellent answer for us in I Timothy 1:5. He says love springs from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Or as Erin likes to say, “Be attentive! Be responsive! Be delighted!” Through real life examples and practical action steps, she will guide you toward seeing the heart of love in a whole new way.)
- From Floundering to Moving Forward (What barriers do we face in moving forward in our faith? What is it that holds us back when God is calling us to action? In this interactive session, Erin will lead you through an exercise that explores your own life through the lens of Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan to help you discover how to go from floundering to finally moving forward in your walk with God.)
- When Crisis Comes to the Homeschool Mom: Weathering a Personal Storm Without Personal Space (For many, the term “midlife crisis” has been reduced to blowing money you don’t have on sports cars and facelifts; when, in fact, there are so many things that can converge in midlife to push us into crisis mode. Childhood trauma can resurface. Marriages can meet with hard times. Teenagers can push against our neat and tidy family boundaries. Aging parents can require extra care and attention. And, of course, homeschooling adds yet another complicating dimension to how we deal with these things. In fact, it could be the one ball that causes us to despair ever being able to juggle all the rest. Be refreshed and encouraged for the challenging chapters of your own story as Erin shares from hers what has helped her most in navigating turbulent times as a homeschool mom.)
- Your Story, God’s Glory (This is a unique one day women’s event that Erin leads with her good friend Lindsey Gallant. Through engaging biblical teaching, practical exercises, and ample time for sharing, each of the four teaching sessions lead women to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of every moment of their life and acquire tools that will help them uncover where God has been at work…and grow in their desire to join Him there! Find all the details here.)
Some thoughts on Erin as a communicator:
If you are looking for a speaker for your next event — whether a day long conference, a weekend retreat, or an evening of refreshment, reach out using the form below. Erin would be delighted to work with you in bringing a message of hope to your gathering.